Hello, The sun is shining and this always gives me a smile, I want to go out and sing the joy.
Well one month has past since the thrilling course at IMD.
At the end of the course I found myself imagining a Rosebud, beautiful but closed. One can see that it will be a beautiful flower but one has to wait for it to bloom. That is where I am.
So the question I ask myself is how to do I get to bloom? In the garden, one checks that the roots are fine and watered, that the sun is out and one looks patiently for the time, one morning its starts and then it is magical as it opens its petals and blooms into a wonderful flower that give beauty, fragrance and a tender smile to those who appreciate her. One will even protect her if it rains!
But one can never tell the time it will take, each Rose has its own journey. So this is where I am embarking on my journey. I know it will take time, I just hope not too long! But I must help the journey.
One of my objectives is to “CLEAR THE CLUTTER” as my personal coach would say.
I am very privileged to have a personal coach Dena Michellis to help me on this journey and I want to thank her as well as Ginka Toegel (IMD Professor) for choosing her for me.
So “Cleaning the Clutter” is not always easy when one is overwhelmed with different projects.
So I decided to draw a mind map of where I am. When I look at it it seems a spaghetti junction, so many different paths.
So I started to look at what is important and necessary. This blog and website allows me to channel myself and keep on the right track. Step by step.
Like my dear Jean-Marc, husband and partner in work and life, does when he mountain climbs.
My first step is to complete the IMD project, the date has been set and I am selecting the ladies to participate in the round table.