As we start to unwind and reflect on the past year, and build next years goals and objectives, I though I would share some wins… because we haven’t had many opportunities to chat in networking events! Hopefully we will be together soon, Stay safe, get vaccinated and love each other!
My first and loyal work remains with Laurence Halifi, co-founder of Graines d’Entrepreneurs, where I continue to coach entrepreneurship and how to be Future Leaders both in schools and in camps at UNIL and other establishments.
What a pleasure it is to see the end pitch of a newly invented project with all the steps of making a market study, completing a Value Proposition and Business Model Canvas. What I enjoy most is the fabulous energy and watching how my students evolve, grow, moving through the uncomfortable spotlight to succeed in their presentations. I just love to see their growth! They will be the decision makers of tomorrow, and I am proud to give them a hand to be the good, thoughtful, and generous leaders of tomorrow to lead our world. Thank you Laurence for allowing me to live these wonder moments!
Coaching and helping the entrepreneur is my vocation. Today, we see so many of coaches helping make digital growth….etc. Yet I frequently encounter older entrepreneurs and company owners who are still struggling to understand some of the basic digital tools available. Together, we work to understand their REAL needs and implement them to their company. My clients are understanding the confusing terms of Cloud, CRM, learning how with simple digital tools to manage and gain leads with automations and social media posts… as well as better organising and safeguarding their business data on the cloud. With Covid, many have suffered important losses, and have tight budgets, and despite a lot of things being worked from ON-line… the older generations are still not always fully comfortable with all this technology. Taking the time to understand how they work (and I mean the client!) and bring simple solutions allow my clients to feel at ease to implement digital growth. Sharing from my experience I have build a simple 7 step roadmap, that guides the founding owner to prepare and boost his business to eventually want to step back and sell, or transmit his company to the next generation management. Thus the REBUILD2WIN Transformative Roadmap was born, a 7 step process that takes the business owner through the different stages of re-organising his company, over a 4 month period.
One of the steps is all about Team work and generating an inclusive workforce. Many companies have wanted to implement Team building events to build team co-operation and high performance. Using Belbin Team Roles and bringing the Art of Smell, we have created events around making perfumes, and learning how to pitch bringing laughter and fun while learning about high performance techniques.
As we all become more and more conscious about the planet and climate changes, together with my dear friend Linda, we founded the Association Good For My Planet, launching during this Covid period. This association now has several projects and initiatives to help our planet and our fight to slow down the climate changes and reduce waste. We are starting to see funding arrive slowly and obviously we welcome your support. We have sourced some great products that allow you to contribute to making this planet a better world, and buying from these links gives a small commission to GFMP Association, so Thank you kindly. An easy flat laundry strips sent by post that work really well Eco-soap sheets for laundry, and even a filter to stop microplastics from your washing machine joining the ocean. We have planted trees in the Amazon, together with the Aquaverde Association, you can still offer a tree as a gift, just click here! Our latest initiative is all about refilling your water bottle with a FREE App to locate the closest partner station to fill up your bottle for free, as well as counting each time how many bottles you have stopped using. We have finalized our stickers and will be rolling out in the new year. We welcome any community or town that wishes to participate and create a local initiative. is coming to bring the #refillution to Switzerland. Buy a REFILL bottle to offer to a friend.