Watching Emilie TEDx talk, made me feel assured.
For many years I have been searching to know who am I.
I have always known, but how to express to others who you are is not an easy task amongst all the specialists.
Over the years I come to realise that I have many “cords à mon arc” as they say in French. I can adapt to each situation.
I have worked in several fields and when I accompanied my husband in his entrepreneurial adventures in hi-tech, I was able to adjust my speech to each project with enthusiasm and energy.: be it the Arctic exploration, pipelines with ISIPCA, sport monitoring, and IT engineering, or just IT park management.
I consider myself a hand’s on family office manager, as that is what I have done for many years. I am capable of running an office and getting things done smoothly.
But with 12 years in Fragrances, where my happy first professional years were traveling the world presenting and being an ambassador, my heart remains close to this field. I keep a close eye to what is happening in this market.
I am good with people, with talking and networking, and making sure that at an event, all that assist will feel comfortable.
Relax it is just OK to not be a specialist
For more info on Emilie

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