I would like to thank all the visitors to the Christmas market for coming and spending your money with us!
Thank you also to all the artisans that allowed us to show and display their work. Keep up, we will re-do in Spring a Easter market!

Thanks to your help we have supported these two Associations.
We are happy to say that we raised some funds for the launch of the Association Good For My Planet, a new association that aims to unite small actions to save our planet.
And we have also planted 5 more trees in the Amazon with our partner Aquaverde Association.
Thank you.

Christmas Market
These are the brands that we were selling.
Some artisans are happy to leave us some stock still until the new year, so we still have some perfumes and perfumed candles available on a RDV basis, just call Helen.
Emmanuel Levain Perfumed Candles
Perfumed candles, in beautiful black glass pots, over 100h
Emmanuel Levains famous mint sanitizer 500ml and small 50ml for the pocket!
House fragrances oils in cristal pots!Arieh Lewertoff Artist
Small wooden sculptures from Arieh Lewertoff artist, recycling old metal pieces !
Zephire Scarves
Silk scarves, hand made by migrants in Switzerland