A Rose is, but a rose.
Though there are many. None like her.

When I was a child my father read to me, books and poetry.
This poem, speaks to me!
Helen is a transformative entrepreneur, coach, a wife and mother of 3 young adults, 3 stepdaughters with husbands, and even 3 step grand children!
Here are my strengths, according to the Gallup Organisation.
Senior Coach
Graines d'Entrepreneurs
Senior Coach
What I enjoy the most is observing young entrepreneurs become excited to see their project materialize and evolve, with the culmination and stress of pitching to a jury or a camera. Transforming shyness to self-confidence.
Digital Organisation
Webdesign, Microsoft Teams, and social media.
Digital services
As I am ADHD, I need things to work easily and efficiently, to be able to focus on what is essential. With my curiosity for new technologies, my thirst to learn, and having owned an IT Service company, I have mastered many digital services. where I share my first-hand knowledge with small PME and train them to be independent and more efficient.
Telling a story with passion
Story telling, capturing the audience’s attention. I love to tell a story especially about traditional brands. For example, the story of Zenith and Charles Vermot who safeguarded the El Primero production equipment, hiding the original cutting pieces for the legendary chronograph; or sharing the passion of the fashion designer or a unique perfume.
Good For My Planet
Good for Me !
Helen is launching end 2020 an association to motivate best practices and learn fun and easy actions, to start making a difference for this world and fight climate change.
Helen Christine Gailey
With A Different Hard Drive* brain, a Spanish mother, an Irish/English father, married to a French man she is multicultural and multilingual. Helen is stimulated with passion and energy when she is constantly learning something new. With her mind set, and her curiosity she will rapidly become familiar with a project or a subject and learn, research and foresee visionary ideas.
Art of Smell
Discovering Olfactory Sensations
Art of Smell- Olfactory
Art of Smell is a small company that carries out workshops, story telling the discovery of fragrances and unique smells, orientated for the elderly in EMS and the world of art in private exhibitions.
Aquaverde ORG
Committee Member
Board Member Aquaverde ORG
Everyone can help this planet. You can sponsor the plantation of a tree for a symbolic 15 CHF. Why not gift some trees for Chritsmas. Even companies can do this for their employees. A unique gift.
Housing Renovation
Transforming a house to a home.
Housing Renovation
Having renovated over 5 houses, with an engineer husband, I manage project renovations from A-Z. I interpret the client’s request and the suppliers offers, to attain the exact requirements for the home owner.
Non Executive Director
Coaching SME
Non Executive Director
SME do not always have outside help. Having gone through stormy waters, I have an empathetic ear to listen and guide management. With my experience and resilience, I give the strength to help others to overcome stressed situations in business.
*ADHD – A different Hard Drive by Jennie Friedman author and Founder of Unfiltered Entrepreneur