Women on Board, Board Diversity, are all topics that one is talking about.
I have here a curated Scoop-it! Board on articles that I find on the web, which I tweet also. There is such a polemic at present even at the European Commission, where the Commissioner Mrs Viviane Reading wishes to pass a motion to impose quotas for women on Boards, the motion has not been approved.
I personally am not favourable for a quota imposition, however, when one sees the French market where quotas were imposed, women are now reaching the stake of 19%, above most other EU countries, so the results are concluding.
I think what most women are afraid of is that their credibility on the Board is compromised as their presence is considered “just to fill a quota” and not for their competencies.
We are still living a very important financial crisis and many SME are suffering from cash flow problems, stagnated growth, need for cost cutting. In these difficult times, it is important for CEO’s and Directors and even owners to have help and advice. A Diverse Board can give help and advice to the management to help them make these necessary decisions to save the company. A Board that is made from friends and family will not have the insight, guts, or professional knowledge to help the manager/owner. It takes a little boldness to ask professionals to join your Board, and how do you go about recruiting a Board member.
I am founding member and ambassador to the Cercle Suisse des Administratrices who is giving visibility to women in Switzerland for positions on Boards, and is partner and sponsor of the SwissBoard Institute Day.
I have also helped to launch an international platform to help: www.talent4boards.com